A guide dog for a blind dog | Now this blind Golden Retriever is guided by his four-legged best friend

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 17, 2020

A guide dog for a blind dog | Now this blind Golden Retriever is guided by his four-legged best friend

After losing his eyes and eyesight due to serious medical issues, a beautiful male Golden Retriever found in another male dog of his same breed - a guide, and above all a great life partner.

An unlikely friendship that has been shared with great success on the Internet, thanks to social media platforms that have posted this beautiful true story of friendship between two male Golden Retrievers - Jake and Addie.

via Metro UK



Jake is a two-year-old Golden Retriever who risked his life after his eyes stopped producing tears and photocoagulation and there was no hope without an operation.
Veterinary surgeons had also warned the dog's owners that a surgical operation to remove the dog's eyes would compromise the dog's life, but his owners, to give him a chance to live, proceeded with the operation.
The arrival of Addie, the other Golden Retriever that had soon become Jake's best friend and later his guide was just what was needed to improve Jake's quality of life...



In fact, fortunately, the two were already very good friends before Jake's eyes deteriorated, and in the moment of greatest need—Addie offered himself not only as an inseparable companion but also as a guide for Jake, who after the surgical removal of his pupils was completely blind.



This event not only strengthened the friendship that already existed between the two Golden Retrievers but over time they also became real social media stars thanks to the touching photos posted by their owners, showing the evolution of the relationship between the two beautiful dogs!







The vicissitudes and adventures of the two Golden Retrievers, Jake and Addie are visible on their official profiles on Instagram and Facebook. Just see how cute and irresistible, they are!
